Antivirus AntiSpyware 2011 on the Attack of Computers!

Remove the Antivirus AntiSpyware 2011 rogueware! It's a scam! Do not trust it! These are all warnings related to the rogueware, named Antivirus Antispyware 2011 which has recently showed up on the web. Be sure you don't install this fake software, otherwise, you will have problems with your PC.

Is Antivirus Antispyware 2011 so dangerous after all? The answer is positive. Unfortunately, many computer users all around the world have announced that they are in trouble because of this fake av wandering on the web. Usually, it pretends to be an online scanner which states it can remove all the threats and fix the system. However, you should never trust this fake software.

Otherwise, you will be in trouble. Once Antivirus Antispyware 2011 is installed on your computer, it will start messing the entire system. Starting from modifying Windows Registry, the Trojans will keep chaning registry keys and adding new registry entries. In most cases, Antivirus Antispyware 2011 will start together with Windows, so you will keep noticing that system scans are performed every single time.

Just bear in mind that this rogueware does not detect the real threat on your machine - all the results are simulated in advance and should never be trusted. The scammers try to convince computer users to pay money for the useless software and leave them in troubles. Don't ever think that Antivirus Antispyware 2011 is able to help you. Be sure you get rid of it as soon as you notice it installed.

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