AVG Antivirus Update Crashes Windows 7 64-bit PCs

If you have not downloaded the latest version of AVG Antivirus 2011 free edition mandatory update, it would be sure to pay attention to intercept it before the collapse of your computer system; because the AVG update released on December 1 can crash Windows 7 running on 64-bit PC completely.

The problem lies in 271.1.1/3292 (432/3292) database update progress; when the update is completed, the software will prompt to restart, then the affected computer will pop up a C0000135 error(windows 7 kernel error) and can not restart, and AVG update crashes Windows 7 running on 64-bit PC completely.

AVG has released urgent update patches to ensure that more computer is not affected by this problem. AVG also published a solution about how to disable the software, and AVG forum users also come up with a number of problem-solving skills, such as pressing F8 to enter safe mode to remove AVG update.

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